Wednesday, June 20, 2007

and the Winner Is...

Congratulations! Since Renee was the only one to finish the quiz, she wins with 7/8 correct! Next time I see you, I owe you a fresh, ripe Mango!
1. Indica
2. A & C
3. False
4. Kiwi
5. India
6. Mexico
7. Chutney
8. Buddha


Renee said...

YIPEEE!! I'd like to thank Taylor Mammen, for originally introducing me to the mango. I'd like to thank Kayce Sybrowski (now Mammen) for dating Taylor so he could introduce me to the mango. I'd like to thank Evan for being a prick so that Kayce chose Taylor so that he could introduce me to the mango. There are so many others to thank...but they are starting to play the music (tug on the ear).

Evan said...

Ummm... can we put a last initial after Evan so I don't think I'm the prick next time? Or is it me... :'(

Desperate for clarity here.

Renee said...

Not you evan...somehow I can't remember Evan's last we'll give him a Q. Evan Q was the prick. Luckily Evan R had nothing to do with Kayce and Taylor's beautiful love story.