Friday, August 24, 2007

Quick Updates

I'm connected to the world again! It's not like much changed during my week-long abstinence... I never answered my phone much anyway. But now I'm turning over a new leaf. I vowed to only put my phone on silent when absolutely necessary.

School started yesterday. I was flabbergasted during an entire lecture in my "Chicano Studies + Art" class (humanities credit). The professor was great, but he asked some questions to the 60+ students that produced results that dumb-founded me. I was the ONLY person who raised my hand when he asked the following questions, "Why is Art important? Why is there an entire section in the newspaper devoted to it? What is the definition of Pop Culture and Notoriety?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Where am I? There's always that one utterly annoying person who feels compelled to answer every question posed to the class. I'm never that person, but the awkward silence forced me to answer such ridiculously easy questions! I couldn't help it!

It gets worse. He asked the students to honestly raise their hands if they had NEVER heard of Andy Warhol and Pablo Picasso. AT LEAST 2/3 of the students raised their hands. Dear friends, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you have heard of these two extremely famous artists! They're modern cultural icons! For heaven's sake, we live right next to the Getty Center people!

I may go into art education now. This is appalling.

On another note... Kamiroo and I have the apartment to ourselves this weekend. Dental Girl is still in Utah, as is Snortney. They're both coming home on Sunday... one with a brand new car, and the other ready to begin drilling teeth! Lovely.

Shaunathan officially moved back to Los Angeles this week! I have yet to visit Hollywood, but I understand that his accommodations are quite roomy. He didn't even fill up his dresser, which leads me to believe that he needs to go shopping... a favorite past-time of his. Maybe he'll let me come over and watch Jerry Springer with his "roommates" in the new tv room!

Tomorrow morning/afternoon is the 2nd annual Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. It's at the Inglewood Stake Center... which I'm afraid of. Not because it's in the ghetto, but the fences surrounding the field are maybe 6 feet high. This poses potential hazards. Those who saw me practicing last Tuesday night can attest to the fact that my aim isn't so red hot. Thus, this is a warning to all those in the Greater Los Angeles Area traveling on Sepulveda Blvd tomorrow... BEWARE of erratically thrown Frisbees! I don't even want to imagine the tragic outcomes of tomorrow's tournament! Yikes.

Beach time!

1 comment:

Shaun R. said...

Thanks for the shout out on your post. I am back in LA, and no you have not made it out to visit yet. Then again I haven't made it out to visit westwood either so we're even. I could probably use your help as an interior designer though. After moving the furniture way too many times (thank goodness for neighbors who are hard of hearing)I think I have an arrangement I'm comfortable with...for now. As far as shopping goes, Not going to happen. Spending money and making decisions are my least favorite activities. And I did fill up one of my 2 dressers and 1 of my 3 closets with clothes.