Friday, August 24, 2007

OCEAN personality test... I failed.

I have so many things to talk about... but I just found out that I have no personality! I just took this (hopefully unreliable) personality test online and this is what the results were:

You typically don't seek out new experiences.
You probably have a messy desk!
You tend to shy away from social situations.
You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive.
You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm.

Is this really me? Maybe. I definitely have a messy desk, but do I really shy away from social situations? Am I always good-natured? Angry Pants probably doesn't think so. Thanks to Dustin's post, I now have a complex about my personality... or lack thereof!

I'm a O47-C8-E31-A94-N43 Big Five!!


Dust said...

You're welcome. You are now linked too.

Evan said...

I just want to know who Angry Pants is... and say that I am SO glad not to be involved in the planning of the 2nd Annual Frisbee Tourney. Although I think that most of the difficulty last year was because of me, but who knows.

Jessica said...

Angry Pants = Courtney Snortney = my sister.