If you really know me, you know about the one true love of my life. The Mango. This little fruit and I have been nearly inseperable for the past 18 months. I don't know what we did without each other before our love affair began. I love most everything Mango... dried Mango from Costco (HEAVEN), Häagen-Dazs's Mango-flavored fat free Sorbet (WOW! I just ate 1/4 of the container tonight), Mango Gelato, Mango Juices, Mango Salsa, Mango Chutney, Mango with Grilled Chicken, etc. And of course there's the heavenly Japanese mochi ice cream. These confection spheres are about as big as a ping pong ball with an outer rice shell surrounding flavored (mango) ice cream. I LOVE THE MANGO.
In tribute to my Mango obsession, I have included this link to a video on how to properly cut and peel a Mango. This website also offers incredible Mango recipes. Maybe Paternity Pants will make something Mangoee and invite me over one day (hint hint).
Back to my tribute...
Did You Know...
• Mangos are an excellent source of vitamins C and A, both important antioxidant nutrients. Vitamin C promotes healthy immune function and collagen formation. Vitamin A is important for vision and bone growth.
• Mangos are a good source of dietary fiber. Diets low in fat and high in fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables are associated with a reduced risk of some types of cancer.
• Mangos contain over 20 different vitamins and minerals.
Oh, so you think you already know about Mangos? Well did you know that the Mango is in the same family as poison ivy and contains urushiol, though much less than poison ivy? Some people get dermatitis from touching Mango peel or sap. Did you know that the leaves are toxic to cattle?
Test your Mango Genius...
To the winner of this quiz, I will give one delicious, ripe Mango to*.
1. The scientific name for mango. Mangifera ______? (Hint: It ends with the name of the country where it originated. )
2. Mango is abundant in which of these vitamins?
B & C
B & D
A & B
A & C
3. The greener a mango is inside, the sweeter it is.
4. Which of these is not a distant relative of the mango?
5. The largest grower of mango is _____________?
6. The largest exporter of mango to the U.S. is_____________?
South Africa
7. What is the sweet sour pungent relish made of mangos and spices called? (Hint: There is a popular recipe using this relish...)
8. According to folklore, which famous person was given a mango orchard?
Nelson Mandela
The Mango Lover
*Quiz Prize is subject to availability, my funds for the week, how close in proximity you are to me, and above all... if I can keep from eating it before giving it to you!
Check out this little life changer.
I too am a lover of Mangos...Fruit of the Gods I say! Here are my answers to your little quiz (though I doubt I'll receive said mango prize because of my lack of proximity):
1. Indica, 2. A&C, 3. False, 4. Kiwi, 5. Mexico, 6. Mexico, 7. Chutney, 8. Bhudda.
Not sure if all of these are right...but there they are, for all the world to see. I'm working on curing myself of FOLLACI...hopefully this is a step in the right direction.
mmmm mangoes. being the mango lover that you are, you are probably aware of the greatness that is the mango lassi. top five beverages of all time in my opinion. also, as a side note, i have an extreme allergy to poison ivy. as such, i am forced to limit my consumption of mango to avoid a riot in my mouth. sad i know.
I DIDN'T KNOW YOU LOVED MANGOS THAT MUCH! I thought I was the only person with such an obsession. I've always liked you...but now my love goes even deeper. A poem for my fellow mango lover:
Because I know you love them
And because I love them too
It deepens and refines my love for you.
mmmm...mango flesh. And as far as your test is concerned, I'm done with tests for a while. Unless it's for biochem class where I don't have a choice.
I came home from class today to discover my mammoth mango had gone bad. I was just trying to wait for it to get perfectly ripe... and it perished.
*moment of silence*
And if you'd return my phone calls maybe I COULD invite you over... hmmm
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