It's officially lunch time (a.k.a. blog-time). An old roommate recently posted a little tribute to "The Office" character Dwight Schrute. If you don't know anything about this show, I highly suggest you take 30 minutes out of your week to witness how funny and crazy this show can be! I love it... most of the time. Some episodes are so politically incorrect, that I have to turn it off; it's just too uncomfortable! Anyways, back to the point... Dwight Schrute.
Thanks to my dear friend Molly, here's something you Office fans just might appreciate.
"Here's the deal: Do you remember the Flasher and Women's Appreciation Day episode? Dwight took it upon himself, as the Lackawanna County Volunteer Deputy Sheriff, to seize the pervert single handedly. He ordered Phyllis to meet with Pam so they could sketch a picture of the perpetrator (a.k.a. Dwight with a mustache)--which he and Andy promptly posted all over Scranton. Anywhoo---there was a phone number on the flyer to call if you had any information. All I can say is: 1-800-984-3672."

PS- Yes, that is Dwight's calculator in a Jello mold! I wish I could find an image of Dwight's desk items (and wallet) that Jim so carefully placed inside the vending machine! I love that scene!
1 comment:
(In my most serious of serious Dwight Schrute voices) I am obsessed with Dwight Schrute.
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