Saturday, June 28, 2008
Confessions of a Former Band Geek & Nintendo Nerd
PS- Flutes Rule and Trumpets Drool
Thursday, June 26, 2008
A Weekend in Sin City
After a glutenous brunch at the Bellagio, we made our way to the nearest chairs we could find. They happened to be at the $1 slots. Oh yeah baby. The money started flowing... ok, not really. I put two crisp dollar bills in and ended up with one voucher for 20 cents. A 'normal' person wouldn't go through the hassle of redeeming a 20 cent voucher. But that was my 20 cents! Yes, I waited in line at the cashier for all of 5 minutes. The guy in front of me had just been handed a $40,000 cashier's check. Holy crap. It was my turn.
I walked up smiling and confidently slapped down my voucher in front of the cashier. She looked at me inquisitively and said, "I just have one question for you. Would you like this in cash or check?" We both were giggling uncontrollably. Who turns in a voucher for 20 cents? I responded, "Cash please! It would probably be more expensive for you to write me a check." She held up my two shiny dimes and said, "Would you like an escort with this?" I couldn't help it, I quickly replied, "As long as he comes with a briefcase and handcuffs!"
I think I made her day. She definitely made mine.
Here are few photos from our adventures... bon appetite!

Oh yes we did... We rented a minivan!

Vegas here we come!

A road trip wouldn't be complete without a #2, animal style

YAY! We finally made it!!!

Danny and Sara @ the Planet Hollywood Wedding Chapel...
ou la la!

The thug in me

Sara getting a little comfy with Sin City

In front of the Bellagio Fountains

Danny, Jeff and Jim

Sara after brunch - Proof that the Bellagio has lots of yummy food

Jeff and I after the Bellagio Buffet... I seriously wanted to die.

Just about to redeem my big winnings!

I loved these balloons @ the Bellagio

Home Sweet Home!

Baking in the Vegas sun @ the Monte Carlo pool

Matt & Gleidy - The newest LA 1st newlyweds!

Sara & Gleidy (and her incredible dress)

Danny, Matt, Jeff and Jim

Gleidy & I

KA @ the MGM Grand
(Obviously Jeff & I didn't get the gray/green memo)

Jeff, Sara & I @ The Wynn (my new favorite casino)

The closest Sara and I will come to Venice any time soon!

Sunday Brunch @ the Paris Buffet

Jeff was thirsty!

I think I was pretty sick at this point!

Jim & Cheryl dancing in Paris
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A San Francisco Treat... or two.
Lombard Street- I think my mom was going to have a heart attack while my dad maneuvered his way down the "Crookedest Street in America"... in our Tahoe.

Fisherman's Wharf-My grandmother and I took a little ride around the wharf, compliments of a biker with a two-seater bench. I think she was in heaven! A visit to Pier 39 is not complete without having lunch at the infamous Boudin Sourdough Factory. Clam Chowder in a bread bowl. Yum. Does life get any better?

Alcatraz- If you haven't been, go. It's incredibly beautiful and strangely humbling.

Ghiradelli Square- Chocolate. Need I say more?

Golden Gate Bridge- Please take note that my brother, 13+ years younger than me, is literally squeezing me to death. Very funny Cameron!

Christian & Courtney's Open House- It couldn't have been a more beautiful evening in the Bay Area. I don't know how long Courtney will let me have these funny photos of her up, so enjoy them while they last!