The Bishop asked all the firemen, policemen, paramedics, nurse's, flight crew, doctor's, and Relief Society sisters who had assisted that tragic Sunday afternoon to stand. It was pretty amazing. Next to stand were: family members, ward members, and those who had fasted and prayed for them. At this point, everyone was standing.
I really hope that in that moment, Molly and Vic took note of the hundreds (literally) of people who were standing there--each filled with love and support for their little family. I'm sure that in the days, months, and years to come, life is going to be terribly difficult. Even with the knowledge that they will be reunited with Lucy again–doesn't necessarily take away how painful the process of living daily life will be, I can't imagine. Countless have prayed, fasted, and served on their behalf. I still have a hard time not crying while reading through the comments that friends, family, and complete strangers have left Molly and Vic on their blog. I honestly believe that a part of me will never be the same. The outpouring of love and support is unprecedented.
After the funeral services ended, the congregation was asked to meet the family members outside of the chapel. We were greeted with about 200 or so pink balloons. Molly and Vic released their two balloons first, and the rest of us followed. The sight was spectacular. Of course this was all beautifully symbolic, but I couldn't help but think how excited Lucy must have been to see all those pretty pink balloons floating up to the heavens. She must have been dancing and jumping!