The LA 1st ward decided to be nice and let the SM 3rd ward win again this year. It was the neighborly thing to do or maybe it had to do with that Golden Rule thing, I dunno. Either way, the GATORS were amazing!

Purpose of Church Activities
The purpose of Church activities is to bring members closer to Christ through worthwhile events that unite them as “fellowcitizens [in] the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). Activities can:
• Fortify and support the [ward] family.
• Strengthen testimonies and foster personal growth.
• Provide opportunities to apply gospel principles.
• Create unity and a sense of belonging.
In addition, Church activities can provide opportunities to reach out to less-active members, recent converts, and those of other faiths. Activities can also help participants develop talents, gain new skills, and give service to others.
Responsibility for Activities
Church activities are planned under the direction of stake presidencies and bishoprics. These leaders assign responsibility for each activity to the leaders of the auxiliary or priesthood organization involved. Stake and ward activities committees, called and directed by the stake presidency or bishopric, are generally responsible for activities that involve multiple organizations or are planned for entire families.